This group of rentals consists of 14 Family Units located across Ledge McLaren and Ash Streets. These five buildings offer a varying mix of 2 and 3 bedroom units. They are centrally located, spacious apartments. Heat and Hot water are included in the rent.
There are affordable rental rates at this property, Income do apply. Please contact us for more information.
This property has two 3 bedroom homes for rent; one at 34 Central Street and one at 19 Ash Street.
48A and 48B Ledge Street are two-bedroom units.
2–14 Mc Laren Avenue are three-bedroom townhomes with a basement.
4 2 bedroom apartments on 40–42 Ash Street– newly remodeled.
All units have parking; rents include heat and hot water.
Contact Information
(603) 644-8447
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