Located close to town, this property is divided between two buildings, each with two floors. There is a playground in the center of the courtyard. Parking is available for everyone. There is a laundry facility on-site. Small storage lockers are available. Rents include heat and hot water. Affordable rental rates. Income limits do apply.
If you need rental assistance apply to Vermont State Housing authority to be considered. There are 4 Project Based Voucher units at this property that are managed by Vermont State Housing. Application for the Project based vouchers (or Housing Choice vouchers that can also be used here) is through Vermont State Housing Authority. Please contact them at Applications for Section 8 Assistance – Vermont State Housing Authority (vsha.org) to create an account and submit an application Full-app-including-HUD-forms_releases_8.2022-1.pdf (vsha.org)
Contact Information
(802) 230-0291
Application for Housing
If you need rental assistance please do not complete the SPM online or downloadable paper application for this property. Instead, please contact the Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) at Applications for Section 8 Assistance – Vermont State Housing Authority (vsha.org)Full-app-including-HUD-forms_releases_8.2022-1.pdf (vsha.org) to create and submit an application
Or Click Here to Download the Application